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Software Service and Privacy Policy

Welcome to use the software and services, please read the following content carefully.

1. Protecting users' personal information is a basic principle, 

and we will take reasonable measures to protect users' personal information.

 Except for the circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations,

 we will not disclose or disclose personal information to third parties without the user's permission. 

 The APP adopts professional encrypted storage and transmission methods for relevant information to 

 ensure the security of users' personal information. If you choose to agree to use the APP software, 

 it means that you recognize and accept the APP terms of service and the content that may be updated at any time.

2 We will use your following functions: null, if you prohibit the APP from using the above related services and functions,

 you will bear the consequences of not being able to obtain or enjoy the corresponding services of the APP.

3. Due to your own behavior or force majeure, the above-mentioned content that may involve your privacy

 or that you consider to be private information is leaked, leaked, or acquired, 

 used, or transferred by a third party. bear adverse consequences, for which we do not assume any responsibility.

4. We have the final right to interpret the above terms.

AndaStudio AndaStudio